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Loose Teas: Infusions for Gin

Infusion Blends from The Teahouse

We’ve been working on something a little different – inspired by my wife’s love of Gin, we have created summer inspired Infusion Blends. These botanical blends will turn even the most ordinary Gin & Tonic into different refreshing flavour sensations. You could also make you own infused bottle of Gin!

G&T in a Glass
It’s simple, sprinkle a little of your favourite blend into your special Gin glass, add your ice and a slice, drizzle in the Gin and top up with tonic. Let the bubbles go to work bringing out the flavour of the blend. Alternatively, buy our empty teabags and add in a teaspoon of our blend and let it infuse your drink.

Flavoured Gin
Buy (a cheapish!) bottle of Gin and add the blends into the bottle. Leave for a few weeks and ta dah – you have a new flavoured Gin!

Cold brew
These infusion blends are great as a cold brew. Pop a generous teaspoon into our teabags and drop it into your water bottle. Add ice and shake your bottle. You’ll be perfectly hydrated all day long, helping you hit the recommended 8 glasses of water a day.

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NOTE: some of our loose teas can be purchased already in a metal caddy (see any marked with below). Also, some of the teas in caddies can have a personalised label (lookout out for teas marked below).